Board game Roaring River – New!

Quantity and price
 x  13,60 EUR / 102,47 kn


In Roaring River you will move to a new River card every round, until you reach the end of the river or the Raft flips. Every round consists of three steps:
1. Play Paddle cards
All players simultaneously select and reveal one Paddle card from their hand.

2. Raft direction and Danger level

You determine the direction of the Raft by counting the total value of the revealed cards pointing to the right and the cards pointing to the left. Move into the direction of the hightest total. When the difference between left and right is equal or higher than stated on the raft card, you increase the Danger lever. When you have to increase the level at Danger lever !!!, the Raft flips and the game is immediately over

3. Move the Raft
Move the Raft according to the Raft directions determined in the previous step. If the number is equal, the Raft skips a row to go straight ahead. Remove the cards the Raft can't reach and place new cards in front of it. When the players don't have enought cards left to refill the rows in front of the Raft, the game immediately ends.

The player with the most victory points according to their Motivation card, wins the game. But if the Raft flips, the player with the least points wins.