Colorful Christmas mugs
Mugs for Christmas coffee with Marabu Porcelain & Glass Painter. -
Mug with colorful strokes and Marabu Porcelain & Glass
All you need is a brush and colorful porcelain and glass paints and a simple white… -
Bowl for accessories with Marabu Porcelain & Glass
A simple porcelain bowl is quickly transformed into a beautiful jewelry bowl. -
Paper Christmas tree with Marabu Dot Pen
Quick DIY decoration for a Christmas look. -
Creepy little spiders with Marabu KiDS Little Artist
Create your new eight-legged friends! -
Stencil autumn foliage with Marabu KiDS Little Artist
Autumn leaves are a fantastic way to let your imagination run wild. -
Beach kimono in batik look
A simple kimono is quickly batiked with Marabu Easy Color. -
DIY Wire Earrings
Fun and easy jewelry making technique. -
MASKING with Marabu Alcohol Ink
Fixogum is ideal as a masking agent.