Terracotta eggs

You are fond of natural and simple things?

Make terracotta eggs to warm up your home and also give them away as presents.

You will need:

* DAS mix in shade of terracotta (500 g is enough for 8 eggs)

* plastic or syrofoam eggs

* a linen cloth or paper tissues

* a kitchen knife

* raffia or straw

* a terracotta pot 






1 Cut a rectangle from paper. Wrap it around the egg to get the right size of it.

2 Fold the paper three times and cut out the shape as shown in the picture.

3 When unfold you get 6 joined rhombuses.

4 Roll flat DAS mix, 3 mm thick. Place the paper with a pattern and cut it out with a knife.

5 Wrap the DAS mix around the egg. With wet fingers flat out the joints till they are invisible.

6 While the mix is still wet use a ball pen or bottle tops to imprint various motifs. To hang the egg, place a little metal hook at the top of the egg. Leave it to dry in a cool place for 24 hours, occasionally turning it around.

7 Paint the whole egg with white acrylic paint. While the paint is still wet use a cloth or a paper tissue to dry the whole egg leaving the white paint only in the crevices. Do the same with the pot. Add straw and place the eggs.


Made by: Višnja Skorin