Ultra-light jewellery
This dainty-looking jewellery made out of FIMOair light is highly impressive thanks its incredibly light weight and delicate design.
1 Cut a small piece bit off a block of FIMOair light and roll it out to an approx. 3 mm thin sheet on a glass work surface using the acrylic roller. Place a sheet of baking paper between the glass work surface and the FIMOair light. This will make it easier to remove the delicate jewellery later on.
2 Before embossing, cover the texture sheet with a dusting of baby powder, talc or cornflour to make it easier to remove from the FIMO afterwards. Place the croco texture sheet on the sheet of rolled-out FIMO and roll over it with the acrylic roller, applying a little pressure as you do so. Then peel the texture sheet off carefully.
3 Print out the pattern sheet, cut the leaf motif out and place it on top of the sheet of FIMOair light for use as a template. Next, cut the jewellery motif out by going around the template with the kitchen knife. Remove any surplus FIMOair light and smooth over the edges of the motif a little using a modelling tool or your finger.
4 Use the modelling tool to make an indent down the middle of the leaf from the top to the bottom tip. Use a bead-piercing needle to make a hole for attaching it to the chain later.
Then harden the feather in the microwave for approx. 2 minutes at 600 watts. Important: place a glass of cold water in the microwave during the hardening process. You can also dry in the air at room temperature for 1 day.
5 Mix a little gold powder with several drops of semi-gloss varnish to obtain a paste-like consistency. Brush the gold varnish onto the cold feather as required and leave to dry. Once dry, cover the entire piece of jewellery with a coat of clear varnish and leave to dry again.
6 Carefully add a few drops of liquid glue to different spots on the feather with the bead-piercing needle. Use the tweezers to place the Swarovski stones on the glue and leave to dry.
Finish off by threading the
jump ring through the hole.
For the earrings, use eye pins to link the jump rings with the earring hooks.
You can also try the silver version.
Photo and text: Staedtler GmbH