Paint & Puzzle kids fun
Paint the puzzle pieces and put them together.
Understanding the world and creating something new with their own hands – this is a wonderful experience for children with the Marabu KiDS Paint & Puzzle sets.
First, the puzzle pieces are colourfully painted and then the pieces can be easily put together.
How it is done:
1 First cover the work area well and put on a painting smock or apron if necessary. Prepare the wooden board with the puzzle pieces and the other working materials.
2 Colour the puzzle pieces as desired with a paintbrush and let the colours dry well.
3 Detach the dried puzzle pieces from the board....
4 and plug them together as described on the instructions.
Tips and Tricks
- The puzzle pieces can also be primed with white paint before colouring.
- The puzzle pieces can be painted on one side or both sides with paint. Let the colours dry well before turning the wooden board.
- For a permanent fixation of the puzzle pieces we can recommend our Marabu KiDS wood glue.
Photos, idea and text by Marabu GmbH.